
Pollinated started out as a podcast about fertility but the more I dig my roots deeper into the podcast, the more I feel the need to shift focus a bit. —-You may have noticed that I removed a tagline from the pod intro (bonus points if you catch what it is. email it to me and I’ll buy you a cup of tea). —-

In Ayurveda, there is what’s called the shukra(male)/artava(female) dhatu which governs fertility. A dhatu is basically a tissue system. There are seven of them in Ayurveda -Lymph, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone, Nervous system, Shukra/Artava.

Anyway, to make a 5,000 history of science short, those tissue systems are fed in that order. In other words, Lymph eats first, whatever left over goes to the Blood, when blood is full, Muscle gets whatever left over – etc – you get the point right?

This also means that the Shukra is fed last. This means that in order to nourish your fertility, you must nourish ALL THE REST first, to ensure that there is some left over for shukra. Following?

So, while I’m still telling you we’re creating a fertile mind, body, and sprit for our seeds to grow, we are shifting the focus. Because we don’t only want to fertilize our baby seeds, we want to fertilize every part of our lives.

We have episodes on meditation, Tantra, Ayurveda, essential oils, acupuncture, and so much more.

Virgin Birth

I saw Marguerite Rigoglioso, our guest for todays episode, on an interview with Gaia and she moved me to tears. Not because she said anything sentimental or sad, but I think it’s because she gave me some validation that I was looking for and you’ll soon understand why.  Some of you might be of Christian…

First Try

Finally!!! I know I’m late guys. It’s kinda crazy having a full time job, studying Ayurveda, and trying to edit podcast episodes/change my website host! (ALSO WENT ON QUITE A FEW VACAY’s NOT GONNA LIE- BUT I DESERVED THEM……..) So, I am three weeks later than I promised, but better late than never. I had…

Two things

Two things my husband told me this month that I really needed to hear, and I think you might too.

Connect with Carina: Chinese Medicine

Carina found her love for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) before Ayurveda. Continuously suffering from chronic bladder infections led her to a TCM practitioner who told Carina to focus on her emotions and her minded. It is then when she learned that what you eat and how you think is influencing your health. In this episode,…

Connect with Carina: Ayurveda

Remember that HSG (hysterosalpingogram) Dr. Klapholtz talked about in Episode 2 – Oath. Well, I had to have one done the other day. Its an x-ray procedure used to see whether the fallopian tubes are open and if the inside of the uterus is normal. It takes less than 5 mins but it is a…

Dr. Death

I know guys, a bit morbid title for a podcast about fertility. But there is purpose behind this episode and that is: trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it might not be. Doctors are experts, but you are the expert of your own body. Get second opinions! And don’t put all of your…

Fertile Mama Tea

Im SPILLIN THE TEA! attention tea drinkers!! this is your episode!! actually!! attention anyone who’s been trying for less than a year and has no diagnosis and still in the beginning phase and looking for something nice and quick to try before you head to the fertility clinic! Trust me I was a skeptic at…


Hey Everyone! Update episode for you hear some things I talk about: -my experience with essential oils so far -my first experience with the chiropractor -the “shift” in my focus -supplements Im taking -whats coming up on the pod Happy Listening! Baby dust to us ~Bus


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